
I racked my brain trying to think of flavors I could keep this up with, but all I could think of that I haven’t yet posted about were liquors with obscure flavors and flavors that are only found in obscure liquors! The only exception was honey. So, this might be my last flavor-themed post, but at least I’m able to make this one, and honey it is!

There are two types of alcohol that come from honey: Mead and Drambuie. Drambuie is just a liqueur, like many of the other flavored drinks I’ve been posting about, flavored with honey and herbs. But Mead, which is also called honey wine, is actually made directly from honey by fermenting a mixture of honey and water. If the word “mead” sounds familiar to you, it’s probably from some old story about ancient kings or gods – it has a bit of a reputation as what kings and gods drink! And who wouldn’t want to drink the same thing as them, right? For a more concrete distinction between the two: Drambuie is a liqueur, so it has an alcoholic content of 40%, but Mead is more like wine, so its content is usually somewhere around 13%.

So, without further ado, here are some cocktails for each of these types of honey-flavored alcohol, and one that uses both!

6 parts Mead
2 parts Coconut Rum
2 parts Vodka
1 part Triple Sec
1 part Grenadine
Mix ingredients (except grenadine) in a cocktail shaker with ice, then pour in a glass with ice. Layer grenadine on top.

Rapunzel’s Delight
2 parts Mead
2 parts Ginger Ale
2 parts Pineapple Juice
1 part Vodka
Mix in a glass with ice.

Rust Nail
9 parts Scotch
5 parts Drambuie
Mix in a glass with lots of ice and garnish with a lemon wedge. Be careful, this is a strong one!

1 Glass Drambuie
1/2 Lime
Soda Water (optional)
Cut half a lime into wedges and add to a glass with crushed ice. Fill the glass with drambuie. Top off with soda water if desired. It may only have one alcoholic ingredient, but it’s still a cocktail!

1 Glass Mead
1/2 Shot Raspberry Liqueur
1/2 Shot Honey Liqueur (Drambuie)
Fill a glass with mead, then add half a shot each of raspberry and honey liqueur, and stir all them together.

Wow, I think that’s more recipes than I’ve ever included in one post. That’s a good finale for the flavor-themed posts, then! Now I’m going to have to give some thought to what I’m going to post about next time, but you’d better believe this blog isn’t over, so I’ll post again when I can think of what to post next!